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Transition Year (TY) Linguistics Module

linguistics image students with speech bubbles

In collaboration with the ADAPT All Ireland Linguistics Olympiad (AILO), we have developed a Transition Year (TY) module on Linguistics. The module consists of 10 topics covering linguistics topics such as sounds, writing systems, language acquisition and machine translation. This TY Linguistics Module offers a set of teacher resources for use in the classroom. Teachers can complete all the topics or focus on those more relevant to their context. Certificates are also available on completion.

Each topic takes approximately two to three classes to complete (depending on 1-hour or 40 min classes).

Each topic area contains:

  • ADAPT logo imageAn Introduction to the topic
  • A short student-led task with teacher guidance
  • Links into their language subject classes
  • Linguistics puzzle (also via AILO Online for instant results)

An information session was held on 23rd May  2022. (recording available) and future sessions will be announced.

Teacher’s Notes (PDF): TY Linguistics Module Overview

You can access the topic below.

NEW! We are also looking for feedback to gauge uptake in the module to date. Your responses will help us evaluate the project.  Access Form here.

– Properties of human language / What is language?
– What do linguists do?
– Introduction to the types of linguistics and computational linguistics
– What is linguistic problem-solving strategy and how to apply it in this course.


– Articulation: the sounds of speech (consonants, vowels, others)
– Phonology: speech sounds in contact
– Speech perception


– Language varieties (levels of politeness, formality)
– Dialects/pidgins/creoles (mention bilingualism, but see later)
– Minority languages and languages of these islands


– First language acquisition with pointers to resources
– Bilingualism
– Comparison / Cognitive differences with Second Language Acquisition (SLA)


– Language and the brain (Pinker, Chomsky)
– Language “disorders” (stammering, stuttering, dyslexia, as well as acute disorders)


– Overview of Machine Translation (MT)
– Comparing human and machine translation


If your students have taken part in this module, we will provide a PDF Certificate. Teachers who attended training can also get a cert for CPD.

Complete the form here.


