
In this section, you will find many helpful resources and links related to Portuguese language teaching and learning. Discover via the buttons above. If you have any suggestions for other helpful links or resources that could be displayed here, please let us know

Don’t forget to also check out our Language Assistant Scheme section and our Highlighted Resource. And, of course, be sure to visit our Calendar, which is the central location for all upcoming events.

Spotlight on Schools

This initiative seeks to showcase the great work of MFL Departments and teachers from across Ireland. We present what the initiative is, how it was set up and the impact that it had. What better way to share good practice among the teaching community! Visit>>

Communities of Practice (CoP)

Our MFL Communities of Practice are open to all language teachers, language assistants and PME students. They allow for meaningful exchanges with colleagues, collaboration with others, and sometimes learning something new! See how they work >>