This year, we wanted to capture and share some of what FLAs and cooperating teachers were doing that make the FLA scheme successful in schools. We asked them to give us their ‘recipe’, details of which can be found here.
Below are ‘recipes’ from different schools around Ireland. This work is unedited and comes directly from the participants and their own experiences.
We hope that these examples will help you get some insight into how FLAs are invaluable assets in our schools in Ireland.
PDF version with Word doc links
Colaiste Bride, Enniscorthy Maria Whitty-Sexton (CT) and Linnea Bast (FLA)
Download PPT
Presentation De La Salle College, Bagenalstown
Emma Bolger (CTs) and Madlin Gaudigs (FLA)
St Mary’s, Newport
Michelle Caffrey (CT) and Carlos Prieto Villarroya (FLA)
The Teresian School, Dublin
Lorena Lampedecchia, Sandrine Martin and Adriana Landa (CTs) and Maria Mendez Ruiz and Eloïse Ferreira (FLAs)