This 100-hour course is based on the Generic Short Course in Modern Languages which was, in turn, developed using the Framework for Junior Cycle (DES, 2015) and the Junior Cycle Short Courses Draft Handbook ‘Developing Short Courses in Junior Cycle’.
The course provides the ‘learning statements’ and key skills which all short courses are based upon. To download a copy of this document, click the button below.
The guidelines for the Classroom Based Assessment, provide general information on CBAs, details of the nature of the CBA and the Features of Quality used to describe the level of achievement. This document is principally for teacher information. To download a copy of the assessment guidelines, click here.
Below are various Units containing all details for Japanese teachers delivering the Junior Cycle Short Course, including student ‘can-do’ lists, intercultural and language awareness details, key skills, classroom activities, student and teacher language and web links and homework activities.
Click here to download a Word accessible version.
Also, for illustration purposes, an example for teachers of how to develop exponents is provided. Explicit links to the MFL specification (learning outcomes) and to the CEFR (competences) are included. Such links support teachers in their planning.
Click here to see Sample Exponent 2: Theme ‘Happy Birthday!’.