QR codes are 2 dimensional bar codes which QR codes are 2 dimensional bar codes which, when scanned with the camera of a mobile device, can transfer web links amongst other digital content quickly and easily to users.
For schools that have invested in iPads or tablets as learning tools or allow their students to bring in their own devices (BYOD) QR codes have proven to be a great time saver for sharing links and distributing information en masse.
Projecting large QR codes on a screen so they can be scanned from around the class makes it easy for students to access the same content on their own device and interact with it individually instead of passively looking at the interactive whiteboard. Scanning also eliminates the possibility they may type in a URL incorrectly and waste time trouble shooting. Printing out multiple QR codes and adding them to worksheets or including them in homework tasks can lend themselves to a variety of engaging activities.
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