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CPD: Ditching the Hardcover Notebook

Ditching the Hardcover Notebook presented by Tina Killackey in Maynooth University 12th March 2016.

We will examine how my students and I use 2 Apps in the classroom.

1. Notability is a note-taking app which is particularly suited to language learning. I will show how it integrates handwriting, PDF annotation, typing, recording, colour and organizing so everyone can take notes their own way to suit their way of learning.Students can enhance notes by adding pictures from photo library, insert web clips, figures, and drawings to illustrate their notes which are backed-up, so never lost. Notes can be shared. I use Edmodo to do so. Students can save worksheets in the App and work on them from there. No paper, no excuses for HW not done as all shared electronically.

2. Book Creator. I will show how I have used Book Creator to reinforce and expand on themes we cover in MFL classroom. Students can easily create their own booklet for sharing with class or on any social media network. It encompasses all language skills and can be very simplistic for the timid learner or very elaborate for the more advanced and confident student. I will suggest ways that Book Creator can be integrated into the everyday tasks involved in language learning and how it supports ,engages and encourages students of all ability levels.

Download the Notability presentation here.

Download the Book Creator presentation here.

