PPLI has worked closely with PowerLanguage to provide teaching and learning materials for MFL teachers who would like to try the CLIL approach.
If you would like access to these materials to use in your classroom, please sign up below and we will issue you with a password to access the materials on the site.
More information about the materials
Traditionally, CLIL lessons are taught by subject specialists who also speak the language of instruction (L2). In Ireland, not all MFL teachers have expertise in another subject that isn’t also a language.
Therefore, these materials have been designed so that very specific, in-depth subject knowledge is not required. The subject matter crosses over many subjects and as similar that taught in CSPE or well-being: a subject which many MFL teachers may be required to teach.
Here the two topics available are Fair Trade and Health and Well-being.
Also, the topics chosen are similar to those that might also be taught in the Senior Cycle as part of the leaving certificate curriculum for MFL.