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Have you ever tried a WebQuest? These are a great way to refine your students independent research skills in the target language. This resource (originally produced by the MLPSI) is designed to help you structure and design your own WebQuest as well as laying out the advantages of adopting such an approach in the classroom.

To download this resource, click here

The PPLI has also produced its own set of WebQuests, which you can download to use in your classroom straight away.
To download them, click here.

Testimonial from teachers below. Tell us what you thought and how did your students get on! Just drop us a line at

I used the Wequest resource recently with my TY french class and found it to be a very clear, useful practical and effective resource. The students really enjoyed researching and planning their school trip to France and produced some excellent presentations. The layout of the Webquest is very clear and teacher friendly. The inclusion of a list of  suitable websites provided extra direction and guidance for the students. I also very much appreciated the teacher feedback forms which I used to give formative feedback to the students on their work. Thank you for such a worthwhile resource!



