Now might be the time to highlight some of the resources and links we have available to you, many of which could possibly be adapted for home learning.
We hope you find them helpful.
Language Mats to encourage target language use (plus an Update Report on the scheme)
Using Language Mats in the MFL Classroom
Flashcards to develop speaking skills
Using flashcards in the MFL classroom
Using mini-whiteboards in the MFL Classroom (plus an Update Report on the scheme)
Digital Technologies – Tutorials
Newspapers and magazines in the MFL Classroom
Teaching through the Target Language
Language Self-Assessment Grid (CEFR)
Topic- based ‘Can Do’ Checklists (CEFR pre-A1 and A1)
More from CEFR, ELP and Key Skills
Other Agencies:
Teaching Online for Primary and Post Primary Teachers – online course