Our News & Articles
Primary Manager
A Primary Manager to develop, lead, and manage a team with responsibility for supporting three strands of work in the context of the introduction of foreign languages in the primary school curriculum.
(i) The language upskilling of primary school teachers
(ii) Development of resources to support implementation of the new MFL specification
(iii) Leveraging the Say Yes to Languages module in the context of preparing for the introduction of MFL to the primary curriculum.
PPLI is looking for a leader that will motivate, empower, and support a positive primary team and work environment as well as deliver on the above. The candidate will have a vision for the development of the support required for primary teachers during implementation of the new specification and will need to be flexible in the context of a dynamic and fast-paced environment.
For more information on the job specification and the requirements, skills and competencies view the Information Booklet here.
To apply, please fill out the Application Form here.
Education Officers for Primary
A number of Education Officers to work in the three areas outlined above. Candidates for these roles will also need to be leaders with excellent interpersonal skills, able to motivate and inspire teachers and work with teams of associates. They will need to be adaptable, able to engage in an evolving programme of work in a culture of improvement, collaboration, innovation, and creativity.
For more information on the job specification and the requirements, skills and competencies view the Information Booklet here.
To apply, please fill out the Application Form here.